It's Time To Go Home

Three years ago the Lord unmistakably called me to work more strategically alongside Dr. James Dobson to help a small team launch Family Talk.  For the previous 26 years I had primarily been a flexible worker for him -- fully supporting his ministry to families, but doing so in a different capacity and with a varied schedule.  So a full-time, on-site co-hosting opportunity was quite unexpected.   However, after much prayer and discussion, and with the full support and excitement of my family, I joined up. And oh my, the blessings have been abundant!

Miraculously, astoundingly, the pieces flowed together.  My husband was thrilled that our family was on the front lines of defending our Christian faith in the marketplace of ideas and even managed to flex his job a bit in order to assist with car pool and errands.  Our two teenage sons were grappling with worldview issues at school, so when I'd return home at night after a day in the studio, some incredibly relevant conversations ensued; they were discovering first-hand what it might look like to walk out their values in the days ahead.

In addition, our college son had surprisingly accepted a position in student government on campus.  I loved dialoguing with him about how to be a godly leader and make tough decisions, and would often share about my own successes or failures in the workplace that day.  Even my married daughter who lived in another state enjoyed this season because via our Family Talk broadcasts she could hear her mom's voice a bit more often across the miles.  (That's a precious thought that still brings a smile to my face...thank you, Lord.)  For these reasons and more, I'll never doubt my calling to this ministry and God's people over the past 3 1/2 years.

But's time to go home.

You see:  first and foremost I'm a wife and a mom.  I'm a woman called by God to serve my family.  And when those family dynamics change, I'm called to change with them.

Last fall when our third child departed for college, we faced a new frontier:  fewer drivers for our remaining son's school schedule and sports practices; a scarcity of family members to cheer at his games and concerts; less voices echoing through the hallway at the end of the day.  But above all, it revealed a stark and undeniable realization to my heart:  this mom only has three more years to serve in an active and vital role with a child at home.  My days of tripping over sneakers at the front door and climbing around backpacks on the stairway are fleeting.

Let me put it another way:  I'm 51 years old.  The US Census bureau reports that given my gender and generation, I could realistically live to be 82.  That means that, if I am so blessed, I may have another 3 decades left here on this earth.  My son will only be in our home a tiny portion of those.  In a very real sense, the Lord is simply asking me, "LuAnne, will you tithe your time?  Of your remaining 30 years, will you give Me the next 3?  Will you set aside your own dreams and aspirations to devote a mere 10% of your future exclusively to your family?"  When considered in that context, it's a pretty easy answer:  "Yes."

I'm keenly aware that as women we profoundly live in seasons.  This was confirmed to me recently as I was sharing my decision with friend and broadcast guest Dr. Meg Meeker.  Dr. Meeker cited an unscientific study she conducted which revealed that major life changes occur for women much more often than for our male counterparts.  And guess how often our seasons typically last?  Three years.  Hmmmm, looks like I'm right on track.

As I prepare to make this transition at the end of the month, my mind is swirling with emotions and ideas.  I wrestle with how this concept plays out for so many women in differing scenarios:  What about the single mom?   Is it wrong to work outside the home?  Can I still live out my unique skills and talents on a lesser stage?  How will our financial future be affected?  What about my female peers who feel they've been called to public ministry?  Lots of questions.  Ones that I'm looking foward to diving into more here on this blog in the days ahead.  I'd love to hear your thoughts as well.

For now I'm comforted by the assurance that as I head home and embrace the next season, there is a God who sees me and He's already directed every step on the path ahead of me.  And what He does for me, He'll do for you.  I pray that as women we will each have the courage to walk the individual path that He's chosen for us. Ahhh, the blessings of obedience!


  1. I heard the broadcast today with tears in my eyes. Not just because I will miss your calm soothing voice and how you so clearly expressed yourself... but because of your obedience to our Heavenly Father. I am so glad FamilyTalk linked your blog so I can follow! All the best to you and blessings for your family!!
    A fan in CT,

    1. Thank you, Mary. I plan to keep up my blog, so hopefully we'll "stay in touch" that way :)

      (BTW -- Love your profile pic! <3)

  2. Thanks for your ministry. You helped Dr. Dobson be a better Family Talker.

    1. Ha...(1) Families and (2)Talking: They're a great combo, eh? :) They've certainly combined well for me as a labor of love these past 3 years. We'll see where the next steps lead. Appreciate your encouragement, Lee!

  3. We will miss you. We to have had those seasons in our lives & my wife will tell you change is something she didn't want to do, but we have seen God blossom her ministry as she followed the Lord. Enjoy this time as I know you will. I'm sure we will see(or hear) you in the future. God Bless

    1. Great encouragement...thanks!

  4. Perfectly timed! It may be time for this Mom to step up to help the family out and step in while you step out for a bit. Your story was a perfect piece of me listening for God preparing my heart for a step in a new direction. I love my home!

    1. Oh my, Meribeth - it sounds like there's some exciting changes ahead for you as well? Bless you for your commitment to your home and family. Praying God reveals your next step with clarity in the days to come.

  5. Hi LuAnne, I have noticed many women 'going home' in the past year, as led of God. I believe He is moving to empower women to become stronger in their roles, for His greater plan. Prayers for you as you begin your new(ish) venture!

    1. Amen! I love this quote by Theodore Roosevelt:
      “When all is said and done, it is the mother, and the mother only, who is a better citizen than the soldier who fights for his country.

      ....The mother who does her part in rearing and training aright the boys and girls who are to be the men and women of the next generation, is of greater use to the community, and occupies, if she only would realize it, a more honorable as well as more important position than any man in it.

      She is more important, by far, than the successful statesman, or businessman, or artist, or scientist.”


  6. Thank you. I too have come home. My last day at my office was last Friday. All along the decision I felt God leading me to take the steps to be there for my daughter and husband. This is a new season. So happy for you.

  7. Whew, big changes ahead for you, Terry! Standing with you in this decision as I'm sure you're already facing new anxieties and frustrations. Did you see the quote above by Teddy Roosevelt? We sure need to keep remembering that, when the world tries to snuff out our influence. Blessings on your new season! :)

  8. Aw, I admire this willingness to flex with the seasons and needs of your family!

  9. Good for you, LuAnne! May the Lord bless you! But- you will be missed; I have come to love the team at Family Talk!
    -from a fellow stay at home mom

  10. I listened to your last show through tears. I applaud you on your decision but will miss you so much on the program. May God bring you back to Family Talk in the next season of your life. I'm so thankful you were there when I had my interview. I'll be in prayer for your family and for the program without you.

    1. Yvonne, I too, am thankful for the brief moments we shared in our Family Talk studio so that the world might hear your incredible heart for the Lord. Keep pressing on!

  11. LuAnne we will miss you as will Ryan and Dr. Dobson. We so enjoyed meeting you and yoLur husband at the Gathering. We know that God will continue to use your whole family to minister and share the love of Jesus in all that you do. We love you.
    God's blessings to you,
    Duncan and Yuki

  12. Thanks, Duncan & Yuki...Much love to your family as well!
