I've Got Your Back

It’s finally here! After a long summer break, next Wednesday I’ll reunite with some of my favorite people, as 8-10 of us moms escape to the lounge of a local business up the street from our public school where, for 60 minutes, we’ll “pour out our hearts like water before the Lord for the lives of our children.” (Lamentations 2:19)

For the next 9 months we’ll gather there weekly, standing in the gap for algebra tests, basketball tryouts, favor with teachers. We’ll pray girlfriends in -- and out -- of their lives. We’ll pray they reach out to the lonely new student in the cafeteria. We’ll pray they get caught if they cheat. We’ll pray they cross the parking lot safely. We’ll pray for the bullied….and the bully.

I make this a non-negotiable slot on my calendar because in a world that’s crushing my son at every corner, I want him to know his mom’s got his back. When he’s weak in his faith, his spirit, or his body – I’m there for him. He’s my son and I’d give my very life for him. Hmmm....I kinda think my Father in Heaven knows exactly how I feel.

Who else out there is praying for your student this year? Let me know. If not, you can find a praying group in your neighborhood here.

And – tune in for a brand new Family Talk discussion with “Moms In Prayer” Founder Fern Nichols, on September 6 & 7!


  1. Love, love love your post! It's exactly why I pray and have for 19 years!!!

    1. Whew....19 years? What a legacy you've created!

  2. LuAnne, thanks for this post. It is a great reminder that I need to be praying a hedge of protection around my own kids all the time. You are right, the challenges that they face push in from all sides!

  3. I'm right with you LuAnne! Our prayers over our children is what keeps them. If we don't cover them who will? I prayed over my children, and taught them how to pray for themselves and others from the time they were old enough to pray. Now that they are adults, they look back and know that prayer makes the difference in their lives. Thank you for this post that stirs up the heart to pray!
